Join Small Poppies Gifted Learning Program
How much does the gifted learning program cost?
The cost for each Small Poppies class is $40, payable term-by-term.
Terms in 2024 are 10 or 11 weeks which is $400-$440 depending.
For our fortnightly option at AGE in Takapuna, Auckland the term is $200 for 5 sessions in each term.
Please note: We require the commitment to the term to cover venue hire, class resources, and the experience and expertise of a specialist teacher. We do not offer a class-by-class option.
Is there financial relief available?
We know that finances are being stretched for many families, and we hate for money to be the reason that a child can’t come. If the weekly fee is unaffordable, please get in touch, as there are some subsidies available. We work hard to find a way to make Small Poppies available to those who need it!

Join Small Poppies today!
To join we request that you complete the application form below and notify the teacher closest to you.
For Auckland:
For Christchurch:
Once we have reviewed your form, we will be in touch to schedule a Poppy Peek, which is a chance to join an existing class at no cost to see what Small Poppies is about.
Application form
What parents say...
We found Small Poppies just after my son turned 3. It was the first place where I felt understood as a parent and that a teacher really seemed to “get” my son. It was the place where I found my tribe and watched my son thrive through learning and building relationships with other differently wired kids.
- Jeremy, former SP parent